Amla, known as Indian Gooseberry or Amalaki in Ayurveda, is a fruit that has long been revered in India as a nutritive tonic, blood purifier and restorative mucous membrane tonic. Sahaja Amla is procured directly from FPOs and are grown without any chemicals. Healthy! 100% Organic! GMO Free!
Nutritional Values - Amla is an extremely sour, nutritious fruit. Due to its powerful antioxidant properties, it is often used as in Ayurvedic medicines to boost skin and hair health, and also overall immunity of the body. It is abundant in vitamin A, B, B12 and C. It also contains high levels of folic acid and minerals like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, and magnesium. It is low in calorie content and has 80% water.
Health Benefits - It helps in boosting the immune system, slowing down aging, treating throat infections, reducing blood sugar levels, and improving heart health. It acts as a diuretic agent and is therefore thought to enhance food absorption, balance stomach acids, fortify the liver, and nourish the brain and mental functioning. It also strengthens the lungs, enhances fertility, helps the urinary system, improves skin quality, and promotes healthier hair. This fruit increases vitality, aids in vision care, and improves muscle tone.
In the Kitchen - Best suitable for preparing pickles and chutneys. Some put the pieces in lentils also to give that sour taste. You can always have it raw.